Poughkeepsie’s Historic Waterfront: Landscapes of Transportation

By Miller Dauk, Geography & Science, Technology, and Society, Class of 2024. Poughkeepsie traces its origins to its waterfront, where the city had its humble beginnings. Acquiring the nickname “the Queen City of the Hudson” was a testament to its economic and social ties with the river. The city’s ascent began in the 19th century,… Continue reading Poughkeepsie’s Historic Waterfront: Landscapes of Transportation

Walkway Over the Hudson

By Loren Pacheco, Geography, Class of 2024. In 1871, a group of Poughkeepsie businessmen proposed building the largest cantilever bridge up to that point. The Poughkeepsie Railroad Bridge, or “Great Bridge”, would span the Hudson River, providing an alternative to ferries and other small-scale transport operations. Such a behemoth project required an incredible amount of… Continue reading Walkway Over the Hudson
